Beneficial micro organisms will cover plant roots and above ground surfaces to provide protection.

Well Structured soil is a hostile environment for most disease causing micro organisms as they are anaerobic and will be easily out competed in oxygen rich conditions by beneficial aerobic counterparts.
As a result of photosynthesis plants release carbs and sugars through their roots called exudates, which attract the micro organisms which will make the nutrients available that the plant wants through nutrient cycling.
What happens under ground?
As a result of exudates being released beneficial micro organisms will populate the area around the roots, usually very densely. This greatly reduces and can inhibit disease causing micro organisms to access any sites to infect.
What happens above ground?
Healthy plants will also release exudates from their leaves, stems and fruits. This means that beneficial micro organisms will also be found coating these surfaces and providing protection. A healthy plant in a healthy soil will also not attract the common pests which will instead target weaker plants.
How do I get well structured soil?
Make or purchase living compost and apply this to your soil. For the first year or two it would be a good idea to make a compost extraction or brew a compost tea and spray this on at least 70% of the above ground foliage of your plants to ensure the beneficial micro organisms are present and to provide a natural coat of armour. this compost extraction can also we watered into the soil to penetrate deeper with the micro organisms.
(#pests #diseases)