Soil is literally the
foundation of life
Welcome to Compost Club. We are a social enterprise with a focus on soil regeneration, food waste emissions reduction and education. We want to introduce as many people to the world of composting and the many benefits it brings to our soil, air quality and water systems.
We operate fossil fuel free.
We want to reconnect people to a natural nutrient cycling system that we see throughout the observable natural world. We want to redefine ourselves as a part of nature, not apart from it.
Healthy soil.
Healthy plants.
Healthy humans.

About me
Michael Kennard
After growing up as Mum's "little eco warrior" and having always had a real sensitivity to the natural world, I decided to set up a regenerative market garden. The principle was to take a degraded piece of land and demonstrate that we can produce an abundance of food and biodiversity, whilst also regenerating and building soil.
Upon setting this up I discovered that good living compost just wasn't something that was available.
When asking others for inputs to make my own compost, the idea for Compost Club was born.
After studying the soil food web with Dr. Elaine Ingham my thirst for knowledge on the subject of soil health and stewarding natural processes to bring about a change in our growing practices as well as how we view waste grew.
I had struggled with anxiety for my whole life, but through this work I have found a voice and have now taught and presented to an innumerable amount of people and I'm only just getting started!
Nutrient cycling towns & cities
We want to see Compost Club's everywhere where there are towns and cities. We can capture wasted food and turn them into nutrient rich, living compost to green our inner city landscapes and then export the surplus out to the surrounding agriculture.
This could then be used to grow naturally pest and disease resistant plants and see nutrient density of foods rise. This food could then come into the city and so the natural nutrient cycle is established.
Compost in schools
We want to see and help set up fossil fuel free composting infrastructure in as many schools as possible, saving money for the school and engaging the pupils in the process. The compost would necessitate a garden and this could be used to grow food which can also engage the children and establish a cycle within the school.

Soil Food Web
All of these things should be found in a healthy soil and make nutrients plant available.

A spoonful of soil can contain billions of bacteria with thousands of different types. Bacteria eat organic matter and release manure as plant available nutrients. They are also food for protozoa, nematodes and arthropods.

Fungi do an important job in breaking down organic matter like bacteria, but they can also form a beautiful sysmbiosis with plants, creating a secondary root structure exchanging nutrients and water. This fungi is called Mycorrhizae.

​Single-celled organisms that feed on bacteria and produce a nitrogen rich maure which is in perfect plant available form. They're one of the favourite foods for nematodes.

There are a few types of nematodes, but what you want are fungal and bacterial feeding nematodes as well as predatory nematodes that will eat protozoa and other nematodes. They are also food themselves for arthropods.
We are registered and insured to collect and carry your waste as well as process it on site.
Registered waste carrier